

Business After Hours

Business After Hours is a premier networking opportunity for Chamber Investors and their businesses where you can increase your visibility and enjoy networking with business and community members at a different host location each month.

Women in Business

Women in Business: Lunch & Learn Series” and add “Women in Business Lunch & Learn series—an empowering initiative crafted for women! We believe in fostering a supportive community where women can thrive in the professional arena. This series is more than just a lunch; it’s an opportunity to come together and gain valuable insights from dynamic women who’ve excelled in their fields. Each luncheon is designed to address diverse topics relevant to women in the workplace, from leadership strategies to work-life balance and everything in between.


Ambassadors are dedicated volunteers and business leaders committed to helping the Eatonton-Putnam Chamber of Commerce fulfill its mission of building a strong, vibrant business community. Ambassadors are always present at Chamber events and programs and serve as a volunteer extension of staff when meeting with member businesses and helping them celebrate important milestones.

Eatonton Chamber Ambassadors Kristin and Jessi